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I updated the original periodic table of the elements.
You can download the PDF file of the table on the following page. You can get it free.
- ニホニウム、モスコビウム、テネシン、オガネソンの4元素を「仮訳」から正式な日本名として記載。
- 最新の理科年表(2018年11月発行)に合わせて原子量を一部修正。
(フッ素、ニホニウム、モスコビウム等) - その他、見やすくなるように体裁を変更。
Revised Points
- Atomic weights of some elements were changed according to the latest version of Japanese “Chronological Scientific Tables 2019”.
- Minor modification of some parts of colours to be more easy-to-read.
The latest release of the Periodic Table (dated 1 Dec 2018) includes the most recent updates released in June 2018 by the IUPAC Commission on Isotopic Abundances and Atomic Weights ( CIAAW ) (
ピンバック: 小学生に化学の面白さを知ってもらう : 未来に向かって